Saturday, November 19, 2011

Re: Current grade book

By the way, in case you are wondering which row corresponds to your record, please note that the table is listed
in terms of posting ids. Each of you have a student id and a posting id. We are allowed to use only posting ids when 
we send grade lists by mail. 


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Subbarao Kambhampati <> wrote:
Dear all:

 I am attaching the current grade book for the course. It contains your attendance over 8 classes (for which I took attendance sign-in), and also whether or not you submitted the assignments.

Please let me know if you see any discrepancies.

For the Gap analysis assignment, I have two sheets that were turned in without names. So if you think you turned in the gap analysis, you will have to come to my room and claim your sheet (so I can record it as done).


Current grade book

Dear all:

 I am attaching the current grade book for the course. It contains your attendance over 8 classes (for which I took attendance sign-in), and also whether or not you submitted the assignments.

Please let me know if you see any discrepancies.

For the Gap analysis assignment, I have two sheets that were turned in without names. So if you think you turned in the gap analysis, you will have to come to my room and claim your sheet (so I can record it as done).


Friday, November 18, 2011

Sorry for the disruption to the class today..

Dear all:

 I apologize for the disruption to the flow of the class that I may have caused when I had to ask a student to leave.

I get distracted by  inattentive students which adversely affects my ability to teach. Most of the time inattentiveness is not an issue in my
classes; but this particular class has been somewhat challenging. 

To the extent possible I try to  to balance my interest in reducing distraction and the importance of not causing disruption to the flow of the class--by taking it up with 
the student after the class. Today, this was not possible.


A general interest lecture on AI

If you find the discussion on intelligent agent design interesting, at the risk of seeming presumptuous, I would draw your attention to 

It is a general interest lecture on lessons from AI to life. 


Friday, November 4, 2011

One-on-one meetings before the end of the semester


 As I mentioned in today's class, I would encourage each of you to meet with me one on one for brief (~15min) slots before the end of the semester (Dec 6th) to talk about

a. your academic plans
b. how you are finding the university life
c. your program of study for the next semester(s)
d. the area(s) you want to concentrate on
e. anything else you want to talk about and/or want advice on

I have regular office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2pm. If those don't work, you can talk to me
after the class on Fridays (note: there are only two classes left), or email me about your free times and I will find a 
slot we can meet on.

Even if you are planning on meeting during office hours, do let me know so I know who to expect (and also to make sure to let you know
if the office hours are moved for any reason)


Computation thinking blog assignment..

Here is a "guest lecture" for this course--titled "Computational Thinking". In this, Jeannette Wing, who was until recently the head
of National Science Foundation's  Computer and Information Science and Engineering, talks about how computational thinking--that Computer Scientists do for a living, 
is going to play a major part in everyone's  (not just CS students') life (just like philosophical thinking is not just for philosophy students).  

I would like you to either read either the article, or  the slides or hear the youtube lecture (they are not exactly identical but
close enough). Once you do, I would like you to comment on any points that caught your attention. 

You will have to do this by 11/18 (before the class). You don't necessarily have to agree with everything she says; you are welcome to be critical. 

Video (on youtube; 65min):
