Enjoy this evenung. Remember there is no class tomorrow
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Claveau
Date: Thursday, September 8, 2011
Subject: Reminder: freshmen career exploration event
To: "Violet R. Syrotiuk" <
syrotiuk@asu.edu>, Subbarao Kambhampati <
SUBBARAO.KAMBHAMPATI@asu.edu>, Kurt VanLehn <
Kurt.Vanlehn@asu.edu>, Gerald Farin <
Gerald.Farin@asu.edu>, Andrea Richa <
Andrea.Richa@asu.edu>, Hessam Sarjoughian <
Hessam.Sarjoughian@asu.edu>, Hari Sundaram <
Hari.Sundaram@asu.edu>, Rida Bazzi <
Cc: Yann-Hang Lee <
From: James Collofello
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 10:44 AM
To: G Gibson; Kyle Squires; Marco Santello; Ronald Askin; Stephen Phillips; Avi Wiezel; Esma Gel; James Adams; Kevin Bennett; Lenore Dai; Michael Mamlouk; Ravi Gorur; Samuel Ariaratnam; Valana Wells; Yann-Hang Lee
Cc: Paul Johnson; Robin Hammond
Subject: freshmen career exploration event
Just a reminder about the freshmen career exploration event this evening.
http://new.engineering.asu.edu/asu101/?page_id=24 Tonight's Engineering Career Exploration is nearly 200 industry representatives strong! Robin and her team with help from many program chairs and faculty have done a great job planning and making this one of our signature freshmen events. The list of participants, agenda, and instructional material are listed on the web site.
Please stop by, greet our industry guests, have some refreshments, and meet our new freshman class! We welcome your feedback for next year as well.
James S. Collofello
Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Computing Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Arizona State University