Friday, September 23, 2011

Reminder--this is due by 9/30: Time management lecture link... and blog response requirement

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From: Subbarao Kambhampati <>
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Time management lecture link...
To: Rao Kambhampati <>

Here is the link to the Randy Pausch time-management talk:

Please watch it, and write a short summary/response on the blog as a comment to this post (deadline is 9/30). 



  1. The following is a list of notes I took while watching the time management video.
    Plan: make one and put in priority order.
    Have a file system for papers to go so that they can be easily retrieved when needed.
    Multiple monitor computer can increase productivity.
    Use a calander to keep track of where you should be and what is due.
    Learn to say no.
    The key point is to get organized and stay that way.
    Time journal is like a budget it can tell you where you are waisting time.
    Focus on what is important.
    Don't procraste. Don't delete email. Kill the television.

  2. Throughout his lecture on time management, Randy Pausch talks about:

    managing time as opposed to money,
    not doing unimportant things,
    having a simplified to-do list,
    doing the ugliest thing first on that to-do list
    being organized
    having multiple monitors,
    writing thank-you notes,
    opportunity cost,
    interruptions, and recovery from them,
    having a time journal,
    being specific for plans, especially plans with people other than you,
    and killing the TV.

    I've made a schedule and ordered it by importance before I saw this lecture, and I even decided not to do something that wasn't important on my schedule. I've recently decided to make a simplified to do list for things other than homework. Additionally, I don't easily become glued to the TV, and I don't ever have the urge to watch it. So I've practiced a few of his ideas before hearing his lecture.

    However, there were a few things that were new and that seamed like good ideas. First, his mention of procrastination was not simply “Don't procraste[sic]”(Dominic Landry), but a more useful “if you're procrastinating, identify why you're not enthusiastic”(paraphrased from the video). I found this to be incredibly useful. Instead of procrastinating on writing this comment because I felt I was being forced into a specific subject of writing I wasn't completely interested in, I tried to find something I disagreed with to make things more interesting. The thing I happened to disagree with turned out to be a small part of Landry's comment.

    The other thing was writing thank you notes. I haven't thought about it much before, but writing thank you notes to someone for doing something that they should be thanked for not only makes you seem like/ become a kinder person, it also makes the person who was thanked feel better about doing nice things. In addition, if you want people to be nicer to you, it probably helps for you to be nice as well.

  3. I have this horrible tendency to procrastinate on schoolwork. I picked up this habit during senior year of high school. "Senior-itis"? Most likely. I haven't procrastinated this school year, and I don't want to start soon. This talk has definitely taught me some great ways to manage my time better.

    Here are some things I've learned from Pausch:

    - Being successful doesn't make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes you successful.

    - Failing to plan is planning to fail.

    - Do the ugliest thing first. (I've always done the easiest things first, because I they took less time to do than the uglier ones.)

    - Touch each piece of paper once.

    - Only read something if you'll be fired for not reading it.

    - You don't find time for important things, you make it.

    - Learn to say "No".

    I'll definitely apply these time-management tips to my schoolwork and, in the future, job(s).

  4. I found this talk very enjoyable to watch, Randy Pausch was both entertaining and informative.

    I plan to begin utilizing the Covey's 4- Quadrant to-do list method. I had been using just a basic to-do list sorted in order of due dates and I was surprised to hear how wrong this was.

    What really struck a chord with me was when Pausch said "Do the right things rather than doing the wrong things beautifully". Due to my ineffective to-do list sorting I found myself falling victim to this habit and thus often finding myself short on time.

    Another alteration I will make to my to-do lists is to take each entry and see if I can break them down into smaller components. I think it will make my load seem more manageable not to mention I will gain the satisfaction of crossing more things off more often than before.

    I totally agreed with Pausch saying that having a speakerphone can really relieve stress when you're put on hold. I also liked his suggestion to start sending out thank you notes.

    Another time management tactic I plan on incorporating into my life is taking tasks that aren't due for awhile and creating fake deadlines for them. I really think this could take some of the stress out of my life.

    Lastly, Pausch was able to reassure me about my worries with the work world when he displayed how transparent one can be with their boss, being able to just say "When is our next meeting, what do you want me to have done by then, and who can I turn to for help besides you" seems like it will make the work environment seem a lot less threatening.

    Overall, I'm glad I watched the video and I definitely plan on utilizing some of the techniques I picked up in my day to day life.

  5. Procrastination has always been a big a problem for me, since high school. Randy Pausch really stressed how time is something you can never get back, which is something a lot of people probably don't think about.
    Recently I've been keeping a simple to do list (ordered by due date, which according to Randy is the wrong way to go about it). The Four-Quadrant To Do list looks interesting and I'll be giving it a try to see if it works for me. Other tips I liked were making up fake deadlines and fake classes to fill gaps in my schedule. Breaking the 'ugly' intimidating tasks down into simple tasks was something I really got from his talk, as in my case I tend to put off or 'ignore for now' and never really get them done past the point where it's too late.

  6. Overall I enjoyed Randy Pausch's lecture, it contained many informative tips on how to use time wisely, and it contained small comedic bits of the lecture that kept me listening for more. From what I learned from the lecture, is that time is one of the most precious commodities in your life, because it's something you can't get back, and Pausch holds a good example of that. He explains how bad time management = stress ("Time Famine") and I completely agree with him, because it I've observed it with other people and myself. I also enjoy the how he stresses the fact of how important organization is. The moral of his explanation was the more organized you are, the more time you have. Although all of us have been told a lot of things he has stated in his lecture from time to time, I think we need to keep reminding and pushing ourselves to do it because we all have a tendency to slack in these areas whether we like it or not. Great lecture and RIP Randy Pausch.

  7. [ I sent this post to you by email before the class because I had a problem with cookies and now I found the solution for that, so im posting my answers here now]

    I found this lecture very useful for people to manage theirtime. These are some notes that I took during the lecture.

    - He said that he will talk about some goals that help toget more things done in our time:

    1- How to set goals
    2- How to avoid wasting time
    3- How to deal with boss
    4- How to delegate with people

    - Randy Pausch was humorous while advising. That made thelecture very enjoyable.
    - We can't get the time ever back! It is more important thanmoney.
    - Keeping To-do lists
    - Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    - Keep the desk clear, and have one thing in the desk
    - touch each paper once
    - Do right thing much more important than doing the wrongthing beautifully
    - Be organized!
    - Having multiple monitors.
    - Having time journal
    - Killing Television

    Abdulla AlBraiki


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