Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reminder: Time management lecture link...(and blog assignment)

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From: Subbarao Kambhampati <>
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:01 AM
Subject: Time management lecture link...
To: Rao Kambhampati <>

Here is the link to the Randy Pausch time-management talk:

Please watch it, and write a short summary/response on the blog as a comment to this post (deadline is 9/30). 



  1. Using your time effectively to complete the most in the least amount of time is the only way to use your day to the fullest. It already feels like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. The days feel shorter than our long list of tasks to complete. In reality our day is plenty long enough, but our ambition and poor time-management skills prevent us from realizing that. How often do we waste hours socializing or staring into a screen. We enjoy those things so they don't feel as if we are spending as much time as we really are with those things. I know I spend a large chunk of my day with these things yet I never feel as if I really devote that much time to them. I need to manage my time thoroughly by using my free time to finish all my tasks and the rest of it to enjoy leisure activities.

  2. This "lecture" was actually moving. He stated many obvious things about time management, but these are things that aren't said enough. I believe it's so obvious that most people overlook these ideas. For example, he talks about pretending to have a class in between each of your normal classes for homework/study. That is brilliant, yet most people will choose to hang out with friends instead. After I watched this I took a couple of his ideas and it has greatly improved my week. I plan weekly now instead of daily, i keep my email relatively empty, i have everything marked on my calendar, and I even have reminders on my computer screen! By being annoyingly compulsive with these reminders I've been getting things done. And although I may not have much time at the end of the day left, I feel satisfied knowing my time was used wisely and at the end of the week I have 2 days to do whatever I want.

  3. We see time as a commodity to be taken lighten and without much thought as to where it ends up in our lives. The lectures attempts to attack this notion saying that time is not only important, but infinitely more important than money because any time lost is gone forever. You can make more money but you can never get an hour of your life back. Thinking about your time as money, or as how much you cost per hour, can make your time seem and feel much more important. He goes over various ways that you can increase your productive time such as calendars, time logs, and speaker phones. Talking about how it can be extremely unproductive to have excessive amounts of time because of the perspective it sets towards your goal. As if you have so much time that it does not even matter when you get around to finishing your goal. Where as if you have someone affected by your actions or a constrained amount of time that work suddenly becomes much more effective. I have been using a to-do list for awhile and while it's only usually organized by due date i suppose organizing by importance would be a more optimal system although items of little importance usually do not make it on to the list. This may be a bit of a tangent but i have always been fascinated by the idea of starting on an uberman-cycle. He pointed out that you should always have time for sleep or everything else falls apart. But what if you can create more time for yourself by limiting sleep but not productive waking hours?

  4. [ I sent this post to you by email before the class because I had a problem with cookies and now I found the solution for that, so im posting my answers here now]

    I found this lecture very useful for people to manage theirtime. These are some notes that I took during the lecture.

    - He said that he will talk about some goals that help toget more things done in our time:

    1- How to set goals
    2- How to avoid wasting time
    3- How to deal with boss
    4- How to delegate with people

    - Randy Pausch was humorous while advising. That made thelecture very enjoyable.
    - We can't get the time ever back! It is more important thanmoney.
    - Keeping To-do lists
    - Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    - Keep the desk clear, and have one thing in the desk
    - touch each paper once
    - Do right thing much more important than doing the wrongthing beautifully
    - Be organized!
    - Having multiple monitors.
    - Having time journal
    - Killing Television

    Abdulla AlBraiki


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